Becoming Digital:
The Form of Rhythm and Space in the Post-pandemic World
後 疫 情 時 代 — 韻 律 與 空 間 的 匯 流 處
Our online talks, supported by the National Culture and Arts Foundation in Taiwan, attempt to reflect how artists have adapted their practice to the changes in their work and exhibition space in recent years. We would like to invite fellow creatives to share their practices, processes of making and thoughts on the current situation—all of which will culminate in discussions on ‘space'.
We were delighted to invite 11 creatives working in various disciplines, including aesthetics, philosophy, art and language to contribute to the project.
ss space space的第一個線上企劃:「後疫情時代——韻律與空間的匯流處Becoming Digital: The Form of Rhythm and Space in the Post-pandemic World」,本期我們邀請了十一位來自不同背景的藝術工作者以「空間」為題分享他們的創作歷程,並討論在工作環境與展覽空間的改變下,這些經驗對創作與生活的影響。希望能夠在疫情與生活共存的脈絡中,探索藝術活動於線上傳播的形式與其可能性,並期待能藉此以更有機、更具流動性的視角互相交流。