‘Space neither belongs to things, nor to the mind, but it is referred to the presence of the body.‘
Kuo-Hsien Chang
On Space
words by Kuo-Hsien Chang
Space is contemplated by many philosophers. Among the many who have written about it, the perspective of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty most closely describes our experience, principally since he did not regard space as a pure object of thinking. Relatedly we are not regarded as a subject per se, but rather as ‘pure thinking-intention’, or pure consciousness. This is germane to his general philosophical outlook: Merleau-Ponty, as a phenomenologist, innovates in the tradition by introducing a certain notion of ‘body’ into phenomenology. However, what is the difference between thinking phenomenology with and without ‘body’? This essay will focus on Merleau-Ponty’s notion of ‘depth’ by considering the questions he raises in his work Phenomenology of Perception and in Eye and Mind, the aesthetic masterpiece of his later period.
How does the sense of the unfathomable come when we are staring at a forest or a well? It is not because it appears in an obvious way for me; it is always a part hiding behind another part. If we change our position of observing, although the hidden can come into sight, the other part, what was previously seen, would simultaneously become hidden. This will always be the case unless we could see from all perspectives at the same time to reveal all hidden parts. But then seeing becomes a purely spiritual seeing, or even becomes God’s view which is different from seeing as a being who possesses body. Here, the term ‘perspective’ should not be understood as everyone's subjective view; instead, it should be understood as the way of entering the world. We can still call ourselves subjects, but the meaning of ‘subject’ is no longer the pure intention of thinking for establishing principles for beings; rather, a subject is a body, in a situation, perspective and horizon that are always boundless. Merleau-Ponty sometimes considers this kind of engagement as characteristic of an inhabited or subject-obtained world. Through this kind of engagement, new ways of thinking about space open up. Besides regarding space as a container, environment (Aristotle) or the common property of beings from the perspective of the object (Descartes, Spinoza), and regarding space as the sites of objects and possibilities from the perspective of the subject (as Kant observed conditions for geometric spaces from the subject position), is there another path of understanding available in addition to these traditional conceptions?
For Merleau-Ponty, the origin of space is in inhabiting or in the body-subject having access to its world.[1] However, we should not misunderstand the body as that of a human organism, because the body can be a potential or a virtual body. If we remember the experiment that Merleau-Ponty mentioned, subjects were placed before a slanted mirror. At first, the subjects felt that everything in the room, even the chandeliers on the ceiling, were inclined. After a while, as soon as they were able to ‘obtain’ a world in which they lived through the body in the mirror, they then obtained a new spatial level and verticality relative to this new level, and the room and the chandeliers were no longer inclined.
The reason why Cezanne’s still-life paintings look oblique is, for Merleau-Ponty, the same. The space of panting, initially, is not acquired by the projection of geometry, instead, it is the space a body inhabits or a world that a body obtains in its perception. The meaning of painting can be understood now: we do not consider a painting as an object and do not interpret it by the knowledge we have. Rather, we need to engage in the world of the painting for it to be possible to understand its meaning. This requirement of engagement is reflected by contemporary art installations: it is only engagement that can open a space of art. It is certain that the body for Merleau-Ponty is not only a spectator and the one who touches but at the same time it is also one of the beings which is seen and touched. It has its own reflexivity, just like a mirror. There are further problems, such as those of ‘intertwining’ or ‘interlacing’, which we will continue to investigate.
1 «...à cette pirse du sujet sur son mond qui est l’origine de l’espace. » , voir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phénoménologie de la perception, p.291, éd., Gallimard, Paris, 1945.
對梅洛龐蒂來講,居住或者身體主體取得它的世界才是空間的起源。[1] 不過,我們不應誤以為這個身體指的是人體這個有機體,因為這個身體甚至可以是一個潛在或虛擬的身體(corps virtuel),如果我們還記得梅洛龐蒂提到在實驗中讓受試者置身於一面斜鏡,一開始受試者覺得房間的一切連天花板的吊燈都是傾斜的,一段時間之後,一旦他能夠通過鏡中的身體而取得一個他所居住的世界,他便獲得一個新的空間水平以及相對於這個新水平而來的垂直,房間與吊燈不再傾斜。
1 «...à cette pirse du sujet sur son mond qui est l’origine de l’espace. » , voir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phénoménologie de la perception, p.291, éd., Gallimard, Paris, 1945.
Kuo-Hsien Chang