Wang Te-yu’s works have always sought simple ideas. She has always tried to explore the feeling of spatial presence with simple media, and go on to meditate on the existential form and situation of people in these spaces. Te-yu has held more than 20 solo exhibition since 1995 and participated in various international exhibitions including:Taipei Biennial, in Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei(1996), Promenade in Asia, in Art Tower Mito, Japan(2001), 4e Biennale d'Art Contemporain, in Enghien-les-Bains, France(2002), Yokohama Triennale 2005, in Yokohama, Japan(2005), 2016 Taiwan Biennial, in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung(2016), KENPOKU ART 2016, in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan(2016), Phenomena of the Mind, in Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, South Korea (2019), Sinnesrausch 2019 – Art and Movement, in OÖ. Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria(2019), and Setouchi Triennale 2022, in Ogijima island, Japan(2022).


王德瑜的作品一向訴求簡單的概念,她一直嘗試著在極簡的媒材裡探索空間的存在感,並進而思考人於空間裡的存在形式與狀態。自1995年起,王德瑜已舉辦過超過20次個展,並參與數次國際展覽,包括「1996雙年展」於臺北市立美術館、2001年「亞細亞散步」於日本水戶藝術館、2002年「當代藝術雙年展」於法國Enghien-les-Bains、「2005橫濱三年展」於日本橫濱市、「2016台灣美術雙年展」於國立臺灣美術館、「2016茨城縣北藝術祭」於日本茨城縣、2019年「Phenomena of the Mind」於韓國釜山當代藝術中心、「Sinnesrausch 2019」於奧地利林茨OK當代藝術中心、以及「瀨戶內國際藝術祭 2022」於日本香川縣男木島等。