The potential arrival leaves every presence hanging.
What is 'real'? What is 'reality'? Reality is what continues to exist even if one stops believing in it; it is what lies independently outside one’s mind and thinking.
When contemporary technology gives birth to the virtual body – a fresh sensory system co-produced by the corporeal body program and machines – it manifests its existence in the form of ambiguous, elusive 'ghosts'.
陶亞倫/ Tao Ya-Lun
Tao Ya-Lun (b.1966) was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He received his BFA from the Department of Fine Arts, National Normal University, and his MFA from the Institute of Plastic Art, Tainan National University of the Arts. He is currently a professor at the College of Communication, National Chengchi University. Tao is a new media art pioneer in Taiwan, whose creative practice has begun with image installation, sound installation, mechanical installation and light art, and has recently moved on to time-based art in the form of AR and VR. He mostly draws his inspiration and topics from technological trends in this digital era, which reflect how human beings use technology as a means of physical extension and discuss bodily perception, the working of consciousness and the interaction between virtuality and reality.
Tao is the recipient of the New Media Art Installation Award in the 2018 Contemporary Audio-Visual and New Media Arts Festival (MADATAC) in Madrid, Spain. He was also the grant recipient of the Taiwan Fellowship Program launched by Asian Cultural Council, which he visited the United States as an exchange scholar. He has been invited to be the artist-in-residency by the Headlands Center for the Arts in San Francisco, and was sponsored by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to be the first artist-in-residency at 1a space. He has also done an artist residency at the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art that is prestigious for both digital images and technology arts. Tao has been honored by various awards, among which are the first prize of the scholarship program of the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris; the outstanding alumnus of Tainan National University of the Arts; the Taipei Prize and Taipei County Prize, which are the most iconic prizes in Taiwan’s contemporary art scene; and the Li Chun-Shen Contemporary Painting Award that represents the spirit of the Asian contemporary art world, for which he was the youngest recipient of all time.
為台灣新媒體藝術的先鋒。曾獲MADATAC 馬德里 當代科技與影音藝術大獎、台灣當代藝術最具代表性的 台北獎、台北縣政府獎;代表華人藝術界最具有當代藝術精神的李仲生當代繪畫創作獎,為歷屆最年輕的得獎人;為美國亞洲文化協會(洛克菲勒兄弟基金會)台灣獎助計畫之受獎人,以交換學者身分赴美參觀與訪問;獲美國舊金山赫德蘭藝術中心 Headland Center for the Arts 邀請為駐村藝術家;受香港1a space 藝術空間邀請與香港藝術發展局贊助,為1a space第一位駐場藝術家;以及數位影像與科技藝術頗負盛名的 北歐當代藝術中心 Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art 之駐場藝術家;獲 巴黎 西帖國際藝術村工作室獎學金第一名;受波士頓市政府之邀為波士頓交換藝術家;2014、2016、2018年國立台灣美術館大型跨界創作計畫第一名。
獲西班牙 MADATAC「馬德里 當代科技與影音藝術節」邀請個展於馬德里Media Lab Prado。西班牙 San Lorenzo del Escorial 市長邀請,個展於該市文化中心。2009年獲 奧地利 林茲OK center邀請,於該中心舉辦大型個展。並曾受邀個展於 台北當代藝術館,台北數位藝術中心、台北市立美術館、北歐當代藝術中心、香港 視覺藝術中心、舊金山 赫德蘭藝術中心、關渡美術館、伊通公園、双方畫廊等。
作品亦受邀展出於 2021義大利 威尼斯建築雙年展 。2020波蘭 波茲南(調解)雙年展。2020香港微波國際新媒體藝術節。2019雅典數位藝術節。 雅典 SYNTOPIA 電子藝術展。德國 威瑪藝術節。2019義大利 威尼斯雙年展。2019柏林 transmediale 跨媒體藝術節。美國 聖塔菲 國際新媒體藝術節。2018波蘭 波茲南(調解)雙年展。巴黎 EP7 藝術空間。北京 中國美術館、北京 山水美術館、上海 藝倉美術館、韓國 光州市立美術館、首爾市立美術館、廣東美術館、香港藝術中心、澳洲 黃金海岸市立美術館、橘市美術館、坎培拉Drill Hall美術館、雪梨大學美術館、墨爾本皇家科技學院美術館、伯斯P.S Art space、伯斯 弗里曼特雙年展、紐西蘭 威靈頓Aden美術館、紐約 台北藝廊、紐約The Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Art Foundation、義大利 米蘭國立藝術學院、芬蘭 北歐當代藝術中心、馬尼拉 菲律賓文化中心、北京 索卡藝術中心、台灣美術館、台北市立美術館、高雄市立美術館、台北當代藝術館、帝門藝術中心、伊通公園、鳳甲美術館、双方畫廊、忠泰美術館…等地。 曾任 美國亞洲協會、全國美展、金鐘獎、台北數位藝術獎、高雄獎、桃源創作獎、李國鼎KT科技藝術獎、南瀛獎、基隆美展評審。文化部獎助評審委員、文化實驗場諮詢委員、國家文藝基金會評審委員、國立台灣美術館諮詢委員、台北文化局獎助評審委員。文化部藝術銀行、台北市立美術館、高雄市立美術館典藏委員。