Sean Tseng (b. 1995) works in Taipei and London. He works primarily with installation and photography, exploring notions of rhythm in natural and processed materials. He is currently researching the dynamics and beauty of attraction between different natural forms, attending to lurking subtleties where philosophical and aesthetic encounters await.

Tseng’s work has been exhibited in Taiwan, Spain, the United Kingdom, and China, including White Cube (2020), Royal Academy of Art (2020), Royal Society of Sculptors (2021), Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2020) and Stone Sculpture Museum, Hualien (2023). With Taiwanese artist Sara Wu, he is a co-founder of ss space space, an art initiative investigating notions of space. Tseng has completed residencies at La Wayaka Current: Desert 23°S (Atacama, Chile) , Cerrado Ecoarte (Brasília, Brazil) ,TENTHAUS (Oslo, Norway) and CCA Artist-in-Residence Program (Mallorca, Spain). He has been awarded grants from Taipei Art Awards (2021), Next Art Tainan (2020) and the S-An Cultural Foundation (2019).

Tseng received an MA in Sculpture from the Royal College of Art, London, the United Kingdom and his BA in Advertising from National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. He is currently pursuing his MA in Philosophy at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.


創作媒材常交錯使用工業材料如水泥、金屬和自然中採集的石頭、樹枝、水 等,探尋材料之間的互動,並在空間意象中層層疊出韻律,探索感知的深度。 作品以結合裝置、影像與物件見長,注重物質相遇時的可能、狀態與韻律,並 以身體及感知為藝術實踐之核心。

作品曾多次展出於臺灣、⻄班牙、英國、中國,包括英國White Cube (2020)、英國皇家藝術研究院(Royal Academy of Art)(2020)、 英國 皇家雕塑協會(Royal Society of Sculptors)(2021)、台北市立美術館 (2020)與花蓮石雕博物館(2023)。近年與臺灣藝術家吳依宣籌辦以「空 間」為研究核心的藝術團體 ss space space,並多次參與國際駐村計畫如La Wayaka Current: Desert 23°S (Atacama, Chile)、Cerrado Ecoarte (Brasília, Brazil) 、TENTHAUS (Oslo, Norway)與CCA Andratx Artist-in-Residence Program(Mallorca, Spain)駐村計畫。其作品曾獲2021年台北美術獎、2020 年臺南新藝獎、2019年世安美學獎造型藝術類。

曾彥翔(1995, 台北)畢業於英國皇家藝術學院雕塑學系碩士(2020) 、國立 政治大學廣告學系學士(2018)。現就讀國立政治大學哲學系碩士。