producing space:
clear, obscure, a collective


#openstudio #exhibition #tastingevents #workshops #conversations

Continuing the prior research on space, the open studio 'producing space: clear, obscure, a collective' originates from the observations ss space space made during their residency at Tenthaus, a Norwegian artistic organisation. The event invites participants to engage in a series of workshop activities, aimed at depicting the process of interaction between individuals and groups from the perspectives of food, language, and sculpture materials.

Moreover, the open studio attempts to explore how information oscillates between hidden and transparent during communication, prompting reflections on the role of 'communication' in a collective and its relevance in contemporary society.

延續過往對於空間的探索,本次開放工作室「生產空間:清晰、模糊、藝文組織」源自ss space space駐地於挪威藝文組織Tenthaus的觀察與研究。透過實驗餐敘、工作坊與展演活動,藝術家將邀請參與者從食物、語言及雕塑材料等多元的視角下,共同描繪個人與團體之間互動的過程。同時,此次開放工作室試圖探索訊息如何在透明與隱藏之中傳播,進而思考「溝通」在群體中扮演的角色,以及其在當代社會中所映照的現象。