gr_und is a platform for experimentation and re-adjusting the status quo of the commercial art world.
Maeva Berthelot and Alexandre bavard_credit
Scroll down for the Mandarin version and additional images.
SS SPACE SPACE: How would you describe gr_und?
GR_UND: gr_und is a non profit artist-run-space situated in Berlin, it was created in 2017 by a group of artists. gr_und is an active space for the materialisation of curated concepts. Using multi-disciplinary methods of visual art, performance, sound and linguistics. gr_und is a platform for experimentation and re-adjusting the status quo of the commercial art world. gr_und will work from various media outlets via exhibitions, workshops and open source art library. gr_und accepts proposals and welcomes zines, books, records, videos and other ephemera.
SS: How did your space begin? Could you tell me what prompted you/ your team to start this space and its programming?
G: We started with a smaller project space named Erratum galerie initiated by James Verhille and Damien Sayer in Berlin Kreuzberg. A call for candidates was launched by the city of Berlin, via the Kulturraum Berlin association, for the management of a larger exhibition space. We applied and won the management of the space which enabled us to work on and develop a larger project.
POV Credit James Verhille
SS: What is a typical day like at gr_und?
G: We're open to the public from Wednesday to Saturday, and the rest of the time gr_und is a workplace where we share space as a workshop, office and music rehearsal room. we meet every Tuesday to work on the programme and organisation of current events.
SS: Could you share a few programmes that gr_und runs?
G: We organise meetings several times a month with artists, curators and students to exchange skills, develop projects and reflect on art-related issues. We also offer a programme of concerts/ performances every month. Our next large project will be a festival of digital and post-digital art organised in collaboration with artist curator Katya Quel, it will involve 80 artists, 30 video works, and 10 playable games, and performances.
SS: How does gr_und connect with and support artists/creatives?
G: We are open in collaborations, offering our expertise in curating, hanging and producing exhibitions. We are also part of a Berlin-based project space network.
online interview
translator: Sean Tseng
photographs © gr_und
SS: In your view, what is the urgency of having an independent/artist-run space/organisation? How do you position gr_und within the current social context?
G: For us, the most crucial thing is to receive public funding. all our team's work is based on voluntary work, which is very complicated to manage over a long period of time. This year, we haven't been able to receive any major funding, which makes our situation even more complicated. In spite of everything, we still manage to keep our project alive thanks to the will and hard work of our team members and the artists with whom we collaborate.
SS: How do you envision gr_und in the next five years?
T: It's the topic of the moment, the German right/ center right wing coalition is cutting a lot of subsidies for culture, and we're fighting to survive in coalition with the other project spaces, the future of our project is uncertain.
SS SPACE SPACE: 你會如何形容 grund?
GR_UND: gr_und是一個由一群藝術家在 2017 在柏林創立的非營利藝術家自營空間。gr_und 是一個積極運用不同形式,如視覺藝術、表演、聲音及語言學等跨領域方法來實踐創作,並將策展概念具體化的空間。我們致力於提供一個探索及實驗的平台,挑戰商業藝術世界的既有框架。gr_und 經常舉辦不同形式的活動,包括展覽、工作坊與藝術圖書館等。此外,gr_und 也歡迎各類提案,接受 zine、小冊子、書籍、黑膠唱片、影片及其他創作類型的投稿。
SS: 當初是什麼使你與夥伴決定要成立 gr_und 呢?
G: 我們最初從一個名為 Erratum Galerie 的小型空間開始,這個空間是由 James Verhille 和 Damien Sayer 在柏林 Kreuzberg 區共同成立。後來,柏林市透過柏林文化空間協會(Kulturraum Berlin)發布了一項公開徵計畫,希望能藉此找尋能管理大型展覽空間的團隊,我們提交了申請並成功獲選此項計畫,這也使我們得以著手並發展更大規模的項目。
SS: 可以和我們分享在 gr_und 的一天嗎?
G: 我們空間對外的開放時間是每週三至週六,其餘的時間 gr_und 是一個共享的工作空間——gr_und 既是辦公室與工作室,也是音樂排練室。我們每週二會固定開會,共同討論接下來的計畫與活動。
翻譯:曾彥翔(Sean Tseng)
影像提供 © gr_und
Michel_Santos_Credit James Verhille
SS: 可以請你和我們分享一些 gr_und 的計畫嗎?
G: 我們每個月會定期與藝術家、策展人和學生開會,一同交流專業技能與討論藝術相關的議題。此外,我們每個月也會舉辦音樂會和表演活動,例如我們接下來即將舉行的大型計畫是一個數位與後數位的藝術節,這項計畫將與藝術家兼策展人 Katya Quel 共同合作策劃。這個藝術節的規模將涵蓋 80 位藝術家、30 件影像作品、10 款互動遊戲,以及多場現場表演。
SS: gr_und 如何串連並支持藝術工作者呢?
G: 我們致力於與各界合作,提供無論是在策展、布展和規劃展覽的專業協助。此外,我們也會積極參與柏林當地藝術社群網絡。
Mike Bourscheid_Credit_James_Verhille
SS: 你覺得獨立藝術空間、藝術家自營空間在當前的急迫性是什麼?考量到當前社經背景,你是如何定位 gr_und 的呢?
G: 對我們來說,目前最迫切的問題是如何取得公眾補助資源。我們現在團隊的所有工作都是以志工形式進行,然而,這種工作模式很難穩定而長期發展下去。今年,我們並未獲得大型補助計畫,而這也讓我們的情況更加艱難。即便如此,有賴於團隊夥伴的與合作藝術家的共同努力,目前我們仍得以盡力維持空間與計畫的營運。
SS: 你如何想像 gr_und 在未來五年內的發展呢?
G: 這是一個非常重要問題。目前,德國的右派和中右派聯合政府正在大幅減少對於文化領域的補助,而這對我們相關類型的獨立藝術空間造成了莫大的壓力。我們正與其他類似的藝術空間合作,共同努力尋求生解決之道。gr_und 的未來仍充滿著不確定性。
Alice Morey_Dietrich Mayer_Credit James Verhille