Amba Sayal-Bennett is a British-Indian artist working across drawing, projection, and sculptural installation. Her practice explores how methods of abstraction are exclusionary and performative, crafting boundaries between what is present, manifestly absent, and othered. Her recent work focuses on the migration of modernist forms and their role within fascist and brutalist architecture. Using translation as method, she explores the movement of bodies, knowledge and form across different sites, processes inherent to the diasporic experience.

Amba Sayal-Bennett lives and works in London. She received her BFA from Oxford University and her MA in Sculpture from the Royal College of Art. She was awarded her PhD in Art Practice and Learning from Goldsmiths and has published her practice-based research with Tate Papers. She is currently an Associate Lecturer at Camberwell College of Arts. Between January and March 2022, she was The Derek Hill Foundation scholar at the British School at Rome in Italy.

Recent exhibitions include Geometries of Difference, Somerset House, London (2022); Horror in the Modernist Block, IKON, Birmingham (2022); My Mother Was a Computer, indigo+madder, London (2022); and Tomorrow, White Cube, London (2021).


印度裔英國藝術家安巴・塞亞爾・班奈特(Amba Sayal-Bennett)的創作涵蓋繪畫、投影和雕塑裝置,其實踐研究抽象方法如何具排他性和表演性,並探索當下、缺席與他者之間的界線。近期創作多關注現代主義形式的變化及其在法⻄斯和野獸派建築中的角色,並擅以翻譯作為方法,探討身體、知識和形式在不同地點的流動。

安巴・塞亞爾・班奈特(Amba Sayal-Bennett)現居並工作於倫敦。她先後在牛津大學獲得了美術學士學位、皇家藝術學院獲得了雕塑碩士學位,並於倫敦大學金匠學院獲得了藝術實踐與學習的博士學位,其研究曾在 Tate Papers 發表。她目前是坎伯爾藝術學院的副講師。在 2022 年 1 月至 3月期間,她在義大利羅馬英國學校 The Derek Hill Foundation 擔任研究學者。

近年展覽包括於倫敦 Somerset House《Geometries of Difference》(2022)、伯明翰 IKON《Horror in the Modernist Block》(2022);倫敦 indigo+madder《My Mother Was a Computer》(2022)與倫敦 White Cube《Tomorrow》(2021)。